The plank position offers an exceptional range of muscle development and is simply one of the best exercises for core conditioning – it improves posture, supports a healthy back, enhances overall movement and coordination and, coupled with a healthy diet, can also tone your midsection.

Improved Posture
Performing the plank exercise will strengthen the muscles that make holding a neutral spine position possible, which in turn will reduce the amount of stress to your back even when in a sitting position.
Healthy Back
According to the American Council on Exercise, planks work for back pain because they strengthen the core, which has the pleasant side effect of reducing back pain.
Because the plank exercise requires minimal movement while contracting all layers of the abdominal fascia, it is an excellent way to strengthen the core, which, in turn, helps reduce low-back pain.
Improved Movement and Coordination
The plank exercise trains your core muscles to work as a stabilizing unit. All variations of the standard plank exercise can help improve balance and coordination which are crucial skills necessary for performing many everyday tasks.
Toned Midsection
Unfortunately, planks alone won’t get you that much sought after six-pack, although it will improve the function of your core in a more important way — assisting with posture, stability and spinal alignment. A healthy diet, well-rounded strength training program and regular cardio exercise are also required to develop visible abs, which on a positive note, is well within reach of most of us.
Finally convinced planks are a good thing? Start the program today!
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